What is Recovery from Gynecomastia Surgery Like?

Gynecomastia surgery is a surgical procedure designed to target a very specific problem that many men suffer from. Excessive breast tissue – sometimes referred to as man boobs – can be a real confidence knocker for men. You feel self-conscious about your chest, avoiding tight-fitted clothing and never taking your top off in social situations. It’s a condition that largely stems from hormonal imbalances, meaning it can sometimes sort itself out. If it doesn’t, you can undergo gynecomastia surgery to correct this problem and restore some flatness to your chest. 

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Gynecomastia Procedure

The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis and will require general anesthesia. Dr. Brenman uses a combination of tissue removal with liposuction, getting rid of excess breast and glandular tissue from the area. Tactical incisions are made around the breast area, removing the extra tissue before suturing the incisions back up. It’s very similar to breast reduction surgery for women, and the results can last forever. 

Gynecomastia Recovery

Naturally, gynecomastia surgery is an extensive procedure that puts a lot of stress on your body. As with all major cosmetic surgeries, there will be a period of recovery afterward. For the first week, you’ll need to wear a special compression garment that helps the area heal, though most patients can return to work after anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks.  Following this, you will still be advised to take it easy and avoid aggravating the surgical incisions. This means you should avoid vigorous exercise for at least 3 weeks following the surgery. Depending on how quickly you recover, you can return to your normal routine anywhere between 3-6 weeks after the procedure.   

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Gynecomastia Results

The results of gynecomastia surgery are permanent. This is because liposuction and tissue removal are used to get rid of the glandular tissue, which won’t grow back. Provided you carry on following a healthy lifestyle, you’ll never have to deal with man boobs again! You will be left with a flatter chest that’s more defined and masculine.  It does take some time to see the final results, though you will notice a difference straight after the procedure. As your chest heals and the swelling settles, you will gradually see further improvements. Most patients that receive this treatment from Dr. Brenman will experience the final results after 3-4 months. 

Should I Consider Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia surgery isn’t ideal for everyone suffering from excess breast tissue. If you are overweight, and this is why you have man boobs, it is highly advised that you follow a healthy lifestyle to lose your extra weight. After doing this, if you still have excess breast tissue and are within a few pounds of your target weight, gynecomastia could be perfect for you.  Similarly, this procedure is only suitable for candidates in their late teens or older. Suffering from enlarged breasts can be common in your teens as you go through puberty and deal with various hormone changes. In many cases, your breasts will naturally return to normal, without the need for surgery. Of course, if you’re in your late teens or older, and you haven’t seen them return to normal, this surgery will be beneficial for you. “After losing 87 pounds I decided I would treat myself and get a tummy tuck that I have been wanting for some time. I researched and thought Dr Scot Brenman would be best. Well suffice it to say I am not thrilled with my results. Ultimately my tummy is flatter which was what I wanted but my belly button is 2 inches above the incision line which I hate! He promised lipo which til this day I’m betting he didn’t do! Also his aftercare was thee WORSE! He never followed up with me after the removal of my drains! No way will he receive another one of my hard earned dimes!” *
This visit was a pleasure! Dr. Brenman thoroughly explained my options and did seem rushed. He answered all my questions and made me comfortable with making my decision. Gina was friendly and helpful in facilitating scheduling etc. I feel confident in my choice.
Happy Patient

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about gynecomastia? Schedule your complimentary consultation at The Pennsylvania Centre for Plastic Surgery with Dr. Scott Brenman in Philadelphia and Plymouth Meeting, PA. Please call (267) 687-2180 and our staff will gladly offer you a convenient appointment in the near future.

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