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Arm Lift

Serving Philadelphia and the
surrounding Delaware Valley

Arm Lift

If you’ve undergone significant weight loss or your skin has lost elasticity, you may have noticed excess skin around your upper arms. While this may be considered normal, many individuals want to enjoy sleek and toned arms that don’t have skin that hangs down. At The Pennsylvania Centre for Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia, PA, our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott A. Brenman can perform an arm lift (brachioplasty) to help you achieve your desired results.
Arm Lift

Consultations Are Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for your personal situation by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at The Pennsylvania Centre for Plastic Surgery for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

What Is an Arm Lift?

The arm lift procedure allows for correction of extra loose skin and fat of the upper arms. This procedure is performed when the skin tone of the upper arm is poor and there is a significant amount of extra skin to be removed. The procedure provides a more youthful appearance and a thinner contour to the upper arms. The arm lift can also improve the folds of skin and fat of the upper chest near the armpit.

An arm lift procedure can also include liposuction, which helps remove any excess fat that may be leftover from weight loss or present due to the aging process. Fat is removed from the upper arms before excess skin is removed, thus helping to produce the most naturally contoured results possible.

Candidates for an Arm Lift

The best candidates for an arm lift – including with liposuction – are healthy individuals with realistic expectations for their outcomes. Ideal candidates will have excess skin and some excess fat that hangs from the upper arms. These candidates should already follow a healthy lifestyle and refrain from smoking.

How Does It Work?

The procedure requires the placement of an incision. The incision may be completely concealed within the armpit, or down the inside of the arm in an inconspicuous location for a variable length depending on how much skin and where the excess is. Through this incision, liposuction of the upper arm is performed, and extra skin is removed. When the skin tone is still adequate, liposuction alone can reduce upper arm size. Dr. Brenman examines each patient carefully to help choose the best procedure to accomplish cosmetic goals.


Most patients will immediately notice their results, particularly if there was a significant amount of excess skin and fat. Final results are usually noticeable around the 4-6 month mark due to the nature of healing.


The recovery process will take about 4-6 weeks, with patients asked to refrain from lifting heavy objects during the first 2-3 weeks of recovery. Patients may also need to wear compression garments to help the new results settle and heal.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at The Pennsylvania Centre for Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Philadelphia, PA office directly to schedule – (267) 687- 2180.

The Pennsylvania Centre for Plastic Surgery serves the greater Philadelphia, PA area.

*Individual results may vary

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